地下社會行動相關新聞報導 - 夾子電動大樂隊 The Clippers Band

By Hazel
at 2012-07-20T09:41
at 2012-07-20T09:41
Table of Contents
Welcome to Underworld
a tiny haven for indie/alt music since 1996
weekly live shows. outrageous parties. eclectic resident djs.
true spirit of rock & youth culture.
◎ 地址:台北市師大路45號B1 (捷運台電大樓站 3 號出口) 電話:(02) 2369 0103
◎ 營業時間:周五六 9pm-5am;周二三四 9pm-4am;周日一公休
◎ 樂團演出時間:9-11pm;門票周三 $100〔不附飲料〕;周五六 $300〔附飲料〕﹝票
◎ address: shi-da road, no.45, b1, taipei (MRT Taipower Building station
exit 3)
◎ phone:(02) 2369 0103
◎ hours: weekends 9pm~5am; weekdays 9pm~4am; sun./mon. off
◎ live shows (9~11pm): wed. ($100 w/o drink) weekends ($300 w/drink) (except
where noted)
Welcome to Underworld
a tiny haven for indie/alt music since 1996
weekly live shows. outrageous parties. eclectic resident djs.
true spirit of rock & youth culture.
◎ 地址:台北市師大路45號B1 (捷運台電大樓站 3 號出口) 電話:(02) 2369 0103
◎ 營業時間:周五六 9pm-5am;周二三四 9pm-4am;周日一公休
◎ 樂團演出時間:9-11pm;門票周三 $100〔不附飲料〕;周五六 $300〔附飲料〕﹝票
◎ address: shi-da road, no.45, b1, taipei (MRT Taipower Building station
exit 3)
◎ phone:(02) 2369 0103
◎ hours: weekends 9pm~5am; weekdays 9pm~4am; sun./mon. off
◎ live shows (9~11pm): wed. ($100 w/o drink) weekends ($300 w/drink) (except
where noted)
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