張韶涵-張韶涵 Angela Zhang 愛沒有錯 - 張韶涵 Angela Chang

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2014-02-24T21:38

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愛沒有錯 Love isn’t wrong

Lyrics by[作詞]:娜偲瓴

Composed by [作曲]:游政豪


The moment we said goodbye and let go

眼淚 終於 滑落

the tears finally rolled down


Your scarf is still embracing me


but the warmth cannot get through


You told me you still love me


but couldn’t resist temptation

可惜我 不接受愛的殘破

Sorry I can’t tolerate broken love

愛沒有錯 放開手 把愛過當作結果

Love isn’t wrong. Let it go, let love be the closure

就當作 就當作 就當作還你自由

It’s just like, just like, just like setting you free

你的指紋留在我掌心中 紀念溫柔

Your fingerprints remain in my palm, to remember your tenderness


Let time deal with the sorrow

沒有錯 放開手 心痛就任它發作

Indeed. Let it go, let the heartache be

也好過 也好過 再聆聽你的愧疚

Better than, better than listening to your guilt

是非對錯和那些猜不透 讓你帶走

You can take all those right and wrong and guessing away

由背影來替我 揮揮手

Let the sight of my back wave goodbye for me


You always held me with your right hand

左手 為誰 保留

Whom were you saving your left hand for


just let the memories be concerned


Right now I just want to move on


You said you still love me


that you wanted to start over

可惜我 不想再慣性失落

Unfortunately, I don’t want to be disppointed again

愛沒有錯 放開手 把愛過當作結果

Love isn’t wrong. Let it go, let love be the closure

就當作 就當作 就當作還我自由

It’s just like, just like, just like setting you free

你的指紋留在我掌心中 紀念溫柔

Your fingerprints remain in my palm, to remember your tenderness


Let time deal with the sorrow

沒有錯 放開手 心痛就任它發作

Indeed. Let it go, let the heartache be

也好過 也好過 再聆聽你的愧疚

Better than, better than listening to your guilt

是非對錯和那些猜不透 讓你帶走

You can take all those right and wrong and guessing away

有背影陪著我 不回頭

The sight of my back walks with me, won’t turn back



這部影片37:45 裡面有30秒搶聽版本

Tags: 歌手

All Comments

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2014-02-28T10:54
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2014-03-04T00:10
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2014-03-07T13:26
這首應該要當強打的!!!!!! 如果再加個bridge就超完美!
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2014-03-11T02:42

蕭敬騰加強戒備 錄影抱愛犬壓驚

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2014-02-24T20:25
http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2014/new/feb/24/today-show2.htm?Slots=Show 2014-2-24 記者嚴心妤/台北報導 蕭敬騰的唱片公司華納收到署名給蕭敬騰的信件,裡面裝有麵包蟲與冥紙,不僅觸霉頭, 也疑似被下降頭。蕭敬騰昨表示經過這些 ...

蕭敬騰 抱狗護身不搬家 寬姊暗批Yuki敗類

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2014-02-24T20:13
http://ent.appledaily.com.tw/enews/article/entertainment/20140224/35660275 內有動新聞 很好笑XD 2014年02月24日 【蔡維歆╱台北報導】蕭敬騰(老蕭)近來遭「活蟲冥紙信件」恐嚇,昨他錄影抱愛犬毛毛 壯膽,坦言最近變神經質,狗 ...

韋禮安 第三張全創作專輯 有所畏

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2014-02-24T18:30
就在剛剛!!!!!!!!!! 2014/03/05 開始預購 2014/03/25 正式發行 大家準備衝唱片行吧!!!!!!! (我在看到的那一刻就哭了QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ) 今天真的一次出現太多消息了我快要不能承受了救命啊!!!!!! - ...

書生韋禮安變了 化身狼人唱搖滾

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2014-02-24T16:33
書生韋禮安變了 化身狼人唱搖滾 【聯合報╱記者袁世珮╱即時報導】 韋禮安一拖600多天、跳票4次,終於要在3月底發行全新專輯「有所畏」。出道以來維持 書生形象的他,竟然大跳tone,新造型有如狼人般,音樂上,也在過去擅長的流行民謠曲 風之外,首次注入搖滾、重金屬、電氣、嘻哈、2-Step等新風格。 韋禮 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2014-02-24T16:24
第四屆全球流行音樂金榜 快幫David衝票吧! http://www.hitoradio.com/activities2014/2014GCGC/default.php - ...