有朋Sina Blog留言- 人生最幸運的事情 - 30 Oct 07 - 蘇有朋星聞

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2007-11-12T05:24

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2007-10-30 02:37:03



會原諒你的過錯 給你空間
會花時間了解你 感受你 看懂你 陪伴你




Alanis Morissett

I can be an asshole of the grandest kind
I can withhold like it's going out of style
I can be the moodiest baby
and you've never met anyone as negative as I am sometimes
I am the wisest woman you've ever met
I am the kindest soul with whom you've connected
I have the bravest heart that you've ever seen
and you've never met anyone as positive as I am sometimes

you see everything you see every part
you see all my light and you love my dark
u dig everything of which I'm ashamed
there's not anything to which you can't relate
and you're still here

I blame everyone else not my own partaking
My passive aggressiveness can be devastating
I'm terrifying and mistrusting
and you've never met anyone
as closed down as I am sometimes

you see everything you see every part
you see all my light and you love my dark
u dig everything of which I'm ashamed
there's not anything to which you can't relate
and you're still here

but I resist persist and speaks louder than I know
but I resist your love no matter how low or high I go

I'm the funniest woman that you've ever known
I'm the dullest woman that you've ever known
I'm the most gorgeous woman that you've ever known
and you've never met anyone as everything as I am sometimes

you see everything you see every part
you see all my light and u love my dark
you dig everything of which I'm ashamed
there's not anything to which you can't relate
and you're still here




All Comments


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2007-11-06T18:25
會在台灣後援會的論壇裡閒逛!! 哈哈 蘇有朋台灣後援會 http://syptw.5d6d.com ※ 引述《desirable (迷途小書僮)》之銘言: : 呵呵~請問一下 : 大家都是台灣的朋迷嗎? : 除了這裡 : 大家平時還會出沒在哪邊呢? : 有朋現在沒有自己的官網討論區了 : 華誼那 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2007-11-06T18:19
蘇有朋台灣後援會論壇已經正式成立了! 尚未加入的朋迷們,快快加入囉!! 目前為台灣區唯一官方認可的論壇 在裡面,將完整的提供大家最新、最完整的活動通告 及任何的相關影音區! 大家就快快加入吧! 別再猶豫了! 11/5 更新愛情剪接下載載點 11/6 更新愛情剪接 gogobox 下載載點 (請加入會員後 ...

好友走秀變踩場 何潤東 蘇有朋 後台相遇互當空氣

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-11-06T05:14
新聞來源 : 中國時報 11/6 http://kuso.cc/2Ur4 好友走秀變踩場 何潤東 蘇有朋 後台相遇互當空氣 異性相吸、同性相斥,何潤東、蘇有朋這兩個同性好友,也傳出不合了!日前,何潤東在 北京出席英國品牌Kent & Curwen秋冬新裝發表時,兩人在後台「相見不相識」,竟然連 招呼 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2007-11-02T19:31
新聞來源 : 東森新聞 11/2 http://www.ettoday.com/2007/11/02/340-2181634.htm 藝人蘇有朋到北京參加時裝發表會,不過他不是坐在台下看秀,而是擔任壓軸,獻出在大 陸伸展台的處女秀!只是因為同門師姐范冰冰在台下鼓譟,讓蘇有朋刻意裝酷的臉,差點 笑場。 ...


John avatar
By John
at 2007-10-31T21:50
呵呵~請問一下 大家都是台灣的朋迷嗎? 除了這裡 大家平時還會出沒在哪邊呢? 有朋現在沒有自己的官網討論區了 華誼那邊感覺不是那麼親切…… 他的Blog 也不是適合討論的空間 CIA也很少看到人了 常常貼新聞的那一兩位好像是香港朋友? 那請問大家除了這裡 平時還會出沒在別的地方嗎? - ...