有朋博客留言-逝去 - 蘇有朋星聞

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-07-19T19:23

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Ever since I was a baby girl I had a dream
Cinderella theme
Crazy as it seems
Always knew that deep inside that there would come that day
But I would have to wait
Make so many mistakes
I couldn't comprehend
As I watched it unfold
This classic story told I left it in the cold
Walking through unopen doors that led me back to you
Each one unlocking more of the truth

I finally stopped tripping on my youth
I finally got lost inside of you
I finally know I needed to grow
And finally my mate has met my soul

Now my destiny can begin
Though we will have our differences
Something strange and new is happening
Now my life doesn't seem so bad
It's the best that I've ever had
Give my love to him finally


I remember the beginning you already knew
I acted like a fool
Just trying to be cool
Fronting like it didn't matter
I just ran away
Put on another face
Was lost in my own space

Found what it's like to hurt selfishly
I was scared to give up me
Afraid to just believe
I was in a jealous, insecure, pathetic place
Stumbled through the mess that I have made

I Finally got out of my own way
I Finally started living for today
I finally know I needed to grow
And finally my mate has met my soul


Now my destiny can begin
Though we will have our differences
Something strange and new is happening
Now my life doesn't seem so bad
It's the best that I've ever had
Give my love to him finally


Finally, Finally yea...

Now my destiny can begin
Though we will have our differences
Something beautiful is happening,is happening

Now my life doesn't seem so bad
It's the best that I've ever had
Give my love to him finally


Finally, Finally...Finally....


A. 2008-07-19 17:55:35




All Comments

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2008-07-22T15:09

吳奇隆、蘇有朋、林志穎 熟男翻紅

Una avatar
By Una
at 2008-07-18T08:04
吳奇隆、蘇有朋、林志穎 熟男翻紅 【聯合報╱記者楊起鳳/台北報導】 小虎隊的蘇有朋與吳奇隆出道超過20年,小天王林志穎今年也慶祝入行16周年,3人都過 了而立之年,演藝事業卻越走越穩,甚至再度翻紅,尤其投資理財都有一套,都是億元俱 樂部一員。 林志穎的身價號稱總資產超過10億,在圈內有「林董」之稱,但為 ...

蘇有朋 露點露溝飆肌情 尺度大解放 不惜全裸演出

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-07-14T07:32
蘇有朋 露點露溝飆肌情 尺度大解放 不惜全裸演出 〔2008.07.14 中國時報〕洪秀瑛/台北─上海電話連線報導 向來惜肉如金的蘇有朋,日前為大陸《Men’s Health》雜誌拍封面時大解放,上半身露 點、露溝。那未來螢幕演出尺度是否也大開放?他說無上限,若遇好導演、好劇本,願像 梁朝偉在《色,戒》 ...

蘇有朋扮「神魚族戰士」 迎戰好萊塢

George avatar
By George
at 2008-07-11T13:36
蘇有朋扮「神魚族戰士」 迎戰好萊塢 2008/07/11 13:01 實習記者劉靜雯/台北報導 蘇有朋已確定接下好萊塢電影「人魚帝國」,和著名女星莫妮卡‧貝魯奇(Monica Bellucci)合作拍攝,擔任劇中的「神魚族戰士」。不過,本片的導演皮卡托似乎對華人 特別偏好,傳將再挑選一名華人影星,基於美人 ...

化身神魚族 蘇有朋「潛」進好萊塢

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2008-07-11T07:17
化身神魚族 蘇有朋「潛」進好萊塢 【聯合報╱記者楊起鳳/台北—上海報導】 小虎隊偶像蘇有朋投身好萊塢影壇的處女作正式成形,他將接拍「貓女」導演皮托夫新作 「人魚帝國」,和美國女星莫妮卡貝魯奇合作,蘇有朋將化身為神魚族,為新片學習潛水 。 由於該片特效極多,斥資8,000萬美金的片商,找來法國首席電影特效 ...

黃曉明、蘇有朋 兩岸一哥同台 【2008/07/07 聯合報】

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-07-08T11:52
黃曉明、蘇有朋 兩岸一哥同台 【聯合報╱記者楊起鳳/台北—長春報導】 2008.07.07 03:01 am (PIC) http://udn.com/NEWS/MEDIA/4415316-1889101.jpg 黃曉明(左)與蘇有朋一起現身,擔任長春電影節閉幕佳賓。 照片/華誼兄弟提供 黃曉明與蘇有朋 ...