樂團短片拍攝(轉訊) - 阿鹿米爾樂團 Alluvium

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2019-10-28T01:10

Table of Contents

Bands in Taipei: Help us with our short film and we will shoot a performance
video for you!
Hello Bands in Taipei!
We are David and Lois, a filmmaking duo from Germany & Taiwan. For our
upcoming short film project “Unspoken, heard”, we are looking for a band to
perform one of their songs in a practice room. The movie is about a girl that
’s going through some rough times and her discovery of music as a savior.
Interested? DM us or write us an email to [email protected] &
[email protected].
Because this is a no-budget project, you will get the full performance video
as a compensation to use in whichever way you want.
These are the prerequisites to participation. You should:
. have an upbeat song
. good quality recording of the song. The film recording will later be synced
to your original recording
. Your music genre should be something in the realm of grunge / indie / rock
/ garage, but we’re definitely open for all kinds of suggestions.
. You should be available on the December 13th OR 14th for around 6 hours
. access to a practice studio in Taipei where we can shoot the movie. We will
bring a couple of lights and our camera equipment.
To see some of my (David’s) previous work, please visit:
www.davidgastager.com .
We’re looking forward to our collaboration!
All the best,
David & Lois
[email protected] & [email protected]
你們的樂團風格屬於grunge / indie / rock / garage這幾種類型(但我們也歡迎各式各


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In Sodagreen (Round 47)

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2019-10-27T22:42
☆In Sodagreen☆ =〔Round 47〕= ◎題目:〔每個□填1字〕  天上□□在天上飛  你有我的□□  我有你的□□ ◎提示:〔歌詞 曲名 專輯名/單曲〕 專輯名請以「最早收錄的專輯名」為準   無拘束的陪伴與包容,   讓彼此能夠在追尋美好的過程中飛翔與發光。   能有個莫逆於 ...

20191027 JRI藍 上海場 Day3 歌單

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2019-10-27T22:09
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不搖滾MV feat.房東的貓

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2019-10-27T20:35
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Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2019-10-27T18:23
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Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2019-10-27T15:08
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