烏托邦世界巡城演唱會-新加坡站 - 張惠妹 A-Mei

By Mary
at 2015-09-09T21:18
at 2015-09-09T21:18
Table of Contents
樂壇天后張惠妹與狂野分身 AMIT 將於 2016 年 1 月 9 日登上新加坡體育館的舞臺。
“張惠妹烏托邦世界巡城演唱會” 門票分 S$288*, S$238*, S$188*, S$148*, S$98*,
S$68* (未包括 S$4 行政費)。9 月 14 日, 早上 10 點後,公開發售!
華僑銀行信用卡會員可從明天 9月10日,早上10點後,至9月13日優先購票。首3000張門
票可享有10%折扣, 加3%回扣,只限於 $238*, 188*, $148*, $98*, $68* 門票。以上優
惠只限于華僑銀行信用卡會員。預知更多詳情,請流覽 ocbc.com/cardspromotions.
訂票熱線 6333 5000 或上網
http://www.sportshub.com.sg/sportshubtix/Pages/aMEI-2016.aspx. 你也可以通過新
加坡室內體育館的 Sports Hub Tix 售票處或全島 SingPost 購票。
We are proud to share the news that Mando-pop diva Chang Hui-Mei is coming to
Singapore’s iconic National Stadium on 9 January 2016!
Tickets to "aMEI|AMIT UTOPIA World Tour" - Singapore are priced at S$288*,
S$238*, S$188*, S$148*, S$98*, S$68* (excluding S$4 booking fee).
Priority booking for OCBC cardmembers will commence from 10th September
(10am onwards) to 13th September. The first 3000 tickets purchased would be
entitled to a 10% discount off $238*, $188*, $148*, $98*, $68* (*excludes
booking fee) tickets. In addition, all purchases made with OCBC cards will
also enjoy a 3% rebates. Payment must be made with OCBC Credit/Debit Cards.
Visit ocbc.com/cardspromotions for full terms and conditions.
Public sales will commence from 14 September 2015, 10am onwards.
To book, call 6333 5000 or log onto
http://www.sportshub.com.sg/sportshubtix/Pages/aMEI-2016.aspx. Tickets are
also available at the Singapore Indoor Stadium Box Office and all SingPost
樂壇天后張惠妹與狂野分身 AMIT 將於 2016 年 1 月 9 日登上新加坡體育館的舞臺。
“張惠妹烏托邦世界巡城演唱會” 門票分 S$288*, S$238*, S$188*, S$148*, S$98*,
S$68* (未包括 S$4 行政費)。9 月 14 日, 早上 10 點後,公開發售!
華僑銀行信用卡會員可從明天 9月10日,早上10點後,至9月13日優先購票。首3000張門
票可享有10%折扣, 加3%回扣,只限於 $238*, 188*, $148*, $98*, $68* 門票。以上優
惠只限于華僑銀行信用卡會員。預知更多詳情,請流覽 ocbc.com/cardspromotions.
訂票熱線 6333 5000 或上網
http://www.sportshub.com.sg/sportshubtix/Pages/aMEI-2016.aspx. 你也可以通過新
加坡室內體育館的 Sports Hub Tix 售票處或全島 SingPost 購票。
We are proud to share the news that Mando-pop diva Chang Hui-Mei is coming to
Singapore’s iconic National Stadium on 9 January 2016!
Tickets to "aMEI|AMIT UTOPIA World Tour" - Singapore are priced at S$288*,
S$238*, S$188*, S$148*, S$98*, S$68* (excluding S$4 booking fee).
Priority booking for OCBC cardmembers will commence from 10th September
(10am onwards) to 13th September. The first 3000 tickets purchased would be
entitled to a 10% discount off $238*, $188*, $148*, $98*, $68* (*excludes
booking fee) tickets. In addition, all purchases made with OCBC cards will
also enjoy a 3% rebates. Payment must be made with OCBC Credit/Debit Cards.
Visit ocbc.com/cardspromotions for full terms and conditions.
Public sales will commence from 14 September 2015, 10am onwards.
To book, call 6333 5000 or log onto
http://www.sportshub.com.sg/sportshubtix/Pages/aMEI-2016.aspx. Tickets are
also available at the Singapore Indoor Stadium Box Office and all SingPost
All Comments

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at 2015-09-10T02:22
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