電視劇《魂囚西門》片尾曲-Haunting Me - 蕭敬騰 Jam Hsiao

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2019-01-30T07:04

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電視劇《魂囚西門》片尾曲-Haunting Me

作曲 : 黃偉恒
作詞 : 鄭慧文
編曲 / 管弦樂編曲:黃偉恒 Alexander Wong

So now we are here,
So now it is clear your choice is made.

I warn you not to stay,
I may hurt and leave you here betrayed.

The spirits play,
Tricks on my mind,
Will you be strong enough to face my darkness inside?

Do you hear my cries for you?
Will you help me fight on through?
Or are you haunting me?

And do you see me as I am?
Or will you save me from the damned?
Are you, just here and haunting me?

The spirits say,
My end is nigh,
Will you be swift enough to slay my demons inside?

Do you hear my cries to you?
Will you help me fight on through?
Or are you haunting me?

And do you see me as I am?
Or will you save me from the damned?
Are you, just here and haunting me?

Just here and haunting me?

共同協力作曲:夏先慶 Alan Hsia
制作人:孫紹庭 Shao-Ting Sun / 高瑞陽 Jackol Kao
小提琴:Nemanja Pejovic / Josh Henderson / Josh Hunton / Mehgan Todt /
Lavinia Pavlish /羅旭娟
中提琴:黃懷褕 Cristina Huang
大提琴:Luke Krafka / Bryan Hayslett
樂團錄音師:孫紹庭 Shao-Ting Sun
樂團錄音助理:Ernesto Valenzuela
錄音室:Atomic Sound NYC / Jam Studio
混音:孫紹庭 Shao-Ting Sun
母帶後期處理:Alan Silverman

Tags: 歌手

All Comments

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2019-01-30T18:18
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2019-01-31T02:43


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2019-01-29T23:51
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu7nU9Mhpyo 剩不到2萬就是華語第一啦啦啦啦快進來見證歷史啊啊啊 一起朝2億邁進囉囉囉 - ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2019-01-29T23:02
高亢輕柔..竟是蕭敬騰唱的!噴演技演心理師「連歌聲都入戲」 https://goo.gl/D7pC7Q 記者盧薇淩/台北報導 「金曲歌王」蕭敬騰所主演的2019年全新影集《魂囚西門》,改編自作家九色夫同名小說 ,是一部以心理、驚悚相關題材為主的戲劇,將於2月16日起每週六晚上9點在公視首播, 除了在戲中 ...

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Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2019-01-28T21:04
公視耗資1.5億拍攝新戲《天橋上的魔術師》,由電影《血觀音》導演楊雅喆執導,全劇以 中華商場為主軸,並徵求大量素人演員,但為求可看度,楊雅喆表示還是會找大咖演員作 為每集彩蛋,至於貫穿全劇的「魔術師」,楊雅喆拋出4大線索,「主業是歌手,跨界演出 ,之前有演過魔術師,台灣人。」放話絕對讓人耳目一新。 該劇故事 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2019-01-26T23:10
魂囚西門 Green Door FB 千金小姐勇敢追愛─玉玫 https://www.facebook.com/GreenDoorPTS/videos/495095287687568/ 請問你要生吞活剝,還是清燉紅燒呢? 玉玫,貴為大醫院千金小姐,卻願意為 #松言 用盡方法、煞費苦心。看看她美麗的笑容 ...

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